And the inexperienced young men and Mature men, in a long marriage, the question of how the woman is aroused. The representatives of the beautiful half of humanity is not arranged. For sexual contact, you need to take it seriously lights desire. The man is able to feel pleasure just a few moments, while the girl will take some time. Each time it is different – the Wake up to several kiss or special words, others need something big.

It is the life led experience techniques, the girls want to have Sex with you Sex. When the man asked this question, he must be good to work with. In this article, it is exactly that.
On the lips
As the most important component of foreplay to Sex. Although the body of a woman, there are many other places to kiss, this is one hundred percent a volltre. He should start, just contact with the lips, then the tongue must slide on the mouth of the partner, and gently break to your language. Kiss should be gentle force and at the same time.
In the neck or eye
Try to his lips gently to her earlobe ear then with the tongue to the foot behind the ear, in the neck and back.
- Kissing should not energetic, a lot of girls like it. Alternate tenderness with passion, take a break, close long and delicious kiss;
- Showers, to kiss the girl, try not to bite it. Aggression in this case is inadmissible. To love the fair sex and to appreciate when a man kisses and tenderness gives.
A Stimulating Massage
You create prior to the beginning of the appropriate atmosphere in the room: soft lighting, scented candles, soft music. You use for the Massage slightly warmed massage oil.
Back massage
- You have to put the girl on the belly.
- Take a little oil in the palm of your hand and you have to go several times with the Hand on the back.
- Light tapping with Alternate moderate tingling.
- The thumb of your Hand in a circle to move from the shoulders to the buttocks and back.
- Change the pressure force of the fingers on the body.
- With the printer you swipe your Finger along the spine.
- Finally, you make a light stroking of the back.
- You lead several times with the hands on the back of the legs.
- The ankle of the girl, clasping with both hands, hold the thumb of your hands, and the slight pressure of them, you go from the heel to the buttocks.
- Repeat the movement on the second leg.
- Now you begin the Massage of the calf muscles, then take a stroll through the massaging movements of the hips and buttocks.
- Go to the second half of the body and the same way down to the lower leg.
The belly and chest
- You make circular movements with the hands over the abdomen.
- Then run your Finger along the body from the back to the groin and up to the shoulders.
- Drive to the chest, whereby the rotational movements around the nipples and on the sides of them.
- Slide should be easy to weightless, almost.
- You are at the head of the girl.
- You take your head with the hands, gently rotate and go with massaging movements on the head, neck, spine, shoulder.
- Expand your head in the other direction and repeat the recording.
- Touch the skin on the head under the hair.
- In the end, you make some movements on the face and neck.
Hand massage
You lift the girl's Hand and hold an upright posture, the thumb swipe the outer part. Then look for the brush: first the back is massaged, then the palm of your hand and eventually each Finger individually.
Massage the front of legs
- Grasp the legs of the girl on the soles of the feet, and with the push of moving the hands upwards.
- Scroll to the bottom and repeat the movement. You go to the toes and the sole of the foot.
- Pay more attention to the fingers and a pillow under them. The heel can not massage, there is almost no sensitive nerve endings.
The production of a stimulating Massage need a light touch to the skin along the whole body. Then you can lie down in the vicinity with a Partner.
Use the erogenous zones of the girl
- The Eyelids. Here the nerves concentrate, which is particularly sensitive to kiss.
- Whisky. An increased sensitivity. It is not only beautiful, but also erotic.
- Lips. This is the most stimulating place. If your tongue, the upper lip of a partner caresses, you will be totally thrilled.
- Ears. Intense Point. The best is to kiss the ear and light touch of the tongue to the earlobe.
- Neck. Very attractive plot of land in Petting. Here you need to show more tenderness to the Screen is really fun.
- Shoulders. You can not gently, the girl is not against the light bites and passionate kisses.
- Belly. You can pet him, to cover with kisses.
- Under-belly. This area should be given special attention, it is very stimulating and receptive.
- The Clitoris. All these erogenous zones of a woman - the heavy. Try to stimulate different methods to determine the, the partner like the best.

Doctors-sexologists recommend for the increase of female excitability Gel Spot g. Acts immediately after application. Massage as pleasant as possible, and guarantees the satisfaction during Sex.
Create a romantic atmosphere
You try to create an environment to make it fun for all the organs of the sensations:
To the eye: sentimental style of execution.
For hearing loss: soft music.
For the sense of smell: the intoxicating smell.
We catch up with the harvest. Do not expect that in the case of damped girls don't notice blemishes.
Better the use of candles. Do not be afraid to overdo it with the number: the more candles, the more romantic atmosphere. Placed in different locations, they create the mystery and the depth of the room.
The design of the room
- Let this sharing of photos in the frame. Position them so that the girl also noticed in low light;
- Do not forget about your favorite colors of their ladies. You need to pass immediately, as it is;
- Surprise your improvised tent, built over the bed.
Should be in the background and unobtrusively, from a conversation to distract you. Turn on in the playback of modern instrumental music, relaxing Chillout, a relaxing Lounge, light jazz compositions, foreign pop-music list.
You use it for a light meal and wine or champagne, for example. Well, if you are cooking the food itself, but also meals in Restaurants also work.
Often you touch the treasure
A lot of girls contact trust more than all the words about love. You have the joy of touch. And no matter what it is – a gentle caress, to fondle the barely perceptible notes or just hair. Also anxious procrastinator notes, they talk about their preferences. Such gestures lead to give a strong emotion and desire.
- You Take Your Hand. Such a gesture says that they are not averse to fond of the lady and go on to the next Phase of the relationship;
- Do not hesitate to touch her face or hair;
- When kissing, you put your hands on your waist or shoulders.
You be the Initiator
From the first Minute of their reunion, they take the Initiative in your hands: applause girls, to take you by the Hand and lead you in the direction you decided. It must immediately understand that you are going to be a leader in a relationship.
Whisper in her ear,
Not durable stamp in the advance of phrases. So a girl's got the wrong notes feel, and you wasted your excitement, try to remember the right words. Try relaxed tone to say, what vzbredet to mind. Here it is of great importance, not the meaning of what is said, but what is pronounced voice and with what intonation is.
You start with a gentle whisper, gradually to the low and soft voice. Here are some words of sexy nickname. We recommend you learn, what inspiring words are for a girl as the most effective.
If both of you reach the peak of arousal, you can try to pronounce them the way obscene expression. Some girls love it.
Take a look together an erotic Film
Co-browsing creates trust, strengthens the sensory experiences. Do not forget to say only in this time, the girl that you are the most attractive in a woman. Not to compare with the main actor of the image.
Erotic movies relieves complex, there is a certain attitude of mind. Discreetly let the girls try, the seen in the movie, and not insist if she refuses. Better you choose what fits for both of you.
Every girl in your address admiring words from a loved one wants to hear. Do not hesitate to speak of compliments, the inspired and inspires. You can talk about your feelings, but try not to joke, if this ability is not given. Better read our article about how to learn to banter witty, and apply the tips in the practice. Do not use rude phrases, so that you will inevitably lose the trust of the girl.
The best answer in the soul of the girl, the sincere words from the heart. Be attentive and attention to Detail, don't forget to praise new favorite hairstyle or a dress.
Absurd methods, which are best avoided
Method Number 1
You should not girls pushing their lips with your fingers and try to deep in the mouth. The subsequent recess, the girls may scare away, in any case, at the stage of foreplay. It will be possible, later on, when all barriers are destroyed between them. Do not touch the hands on the nose of the girl and the eyes, here appropriate, be kisses.
Number 2
The touch of the breast of the girl, not run down and do not touch the upper part, it can be painful.
No 3
If you do not want to cause the girl being tickled, avoid massaging the arch of the foot. An exception is in the case when no oil use. Only dry Stimulation can push a tingling sensation.
Number 4

A variety of manipulations with the hands, it produces keep in mind that there can tingling cause, especially in the armpits. The elbow is not touching it, as a rule, better to the touch can cause pain. If you want to change the Position, the girl should for a boost in the area of the shoulders or the hips.
Number 5
You go girl in the belly button. It causes pleasant feelings.
Number 6
Watch carefully for the reactions of the partner to your actions and in time remove the hands.
How to understand that a girl excited
- The girl touched the hair and grazing the neck.
- Lead the conversation to sexual topics.
- Unintentional approach, provokes zone of intrusion into their comfort.
- Enlarged Nipples.
- The girl moved from place to place, in search of a comfortable Position.
- Her cheeks glowed, and the eyes were watering.
- Touches her intimate places.
- The pupils dilated, the girl breathes deeply.
- Throws Her Legs.
- Keeps hands in some subjects.
- The way produced by the body movements.